Our Results



The following exercises have been designed for your home rehabilitation program.

They improve the strength and flexibility of the muscles that help support your back.

  • Perform only these exercises prescribed by your therapist.
  • Do each exercise slowly, rhythmically, and carefully.
  • As you progress in strength, increase the number of repititions of each exercise.
  • If you have an increase in your symptoms, discontinue your exercises and consult your therapist.


Stretching Knee to Chest

Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Grasp one knee with both hands and pull your knee to your chest. Hold for 5 seconds. Return to the starting position and alternate legs. Progress to alternating legs and then both knees to chest. Repeat 5 times.


You can also progress by bringing your nose to your knees while performing this exercise.


Spinal Rotation

Sit with your right leg straight. Bend your left knee and cross it over your right leg. Bend your right elbow and rest it on the outside of your left thigh. Now, with your left hand on the floor directly behind you, slowly turn your head to look over your left shoulder and, at the same time, rotate your trunk while placing pressure on your left leg with your right elbow (during the stretch, use the elbow to keep this leg stationary). Hold the stretch for 10 – 15 seconds. Relax and alternate sides. Repeat 5 times.

Gluteal Stretch

backDSit with your right leg straight. Bend your left knee and cross it over your right leg. With both hands pull your bent knee across your body and up to your opposite shoulder. Hold for 10 – 15 seconds. Relax and alternate legs. Repeat 5 times.

Hamstring Stretch

backE1Sit on the floor with legs extended and toes pointed towards you. Bend forward at the waist trying to touch your toes while keeping your knees straight. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
Sit with one leg extended to the side and the other leg bent inward with your foot touching the inside of the extended leg. Bend forward at the waist over the straight leg and try to touch your toe while keeping your knee straight. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
While standing, extend one leg and support it on a waist high object (i.e. back of a chair). Bend forward at the waist and try to touch your toes while keeping your knee straight. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times.


The following exercises have been developed to improve the strength and mobility of your back. You should perform each exercise 2 – 3 times daily unless otherwise instructed.

Pelvic Tilt


Lying on you back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Tighten your buttocks, pull your abdomen in, and the small of your back into the floor. Hold for five seconds. Relax and repeat 5 times.

Anterior Pelvic Tilt


Lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, increase the curve in your lower back by tightening your buttocks and pushing it down to the floor while lifting the small of your back off the floor. Hold for 5 seconds. Relax and repeat 5 times.


Back Arches

On all fours, tighten your abdominals and arch your back as high as possible while keeping your arms straight. Hold for 5 seconds and return to the straight position. Repeat 5 times.

Back Sag

backkOn all fours, keeping your arms straight, increase the curve in your lower back by dropping your stomach towards the floor. Tighten your lower back muscles and hold for 5 seconds. Return to the straight position. Repeat 5 times.

Pelvic Lift


Lie on your back with your arms folded across your chest and your feet flat on the floor with your knees bent. Now pinch the bottocks together and press straight down with the feet, lifting the hips and back off the floor as high as possible. Hold for 5 seconds and relax. Repeat 5 times.


Press Up

Lying on your stomach, place your hands on the floor next to your shoulders. Raise your head and neck towards the ceiling and press up with your arms while maintaining your hips on the floor. Hold for 5 seconds. Relax and repeat 5 times.


Prolonged Extensions In Lying

Lying on your stomach, prop yourself up with pillows under your chest. While maintaining your hips on the floor, relax your lower back. Maintain this position as long as tolerated. Discontinue this exercise if you have any pain radiating into your buttocks or legs.


Back Extensions

Lie face down with your arms by your side. Now raise your head and shoulders up off the floor as far as possible without using your hands. Return to the starting position and relax. Repeat 5 times.


Hip Extensions

Lie on your stomach and bend your knee only a few degrees. Kepping your involved leg in position, lift your leg approximately 10 inches and hold for 5 seconds. Lower slowly and repeat 5 times.


Opposite Arm & Leg Extensions

Lie on your stomach with your arms extended in front of you. Keeping your right leg only bent a few degrees, lift your right leg and left arm approximately 10 inches and hold for 5 seconds. Lower slowly and alternate limbs. Repeat 5 times.


Standing Extensions

Standing, place hands in the small of your back, look up towards the ceiling, extend your trunk backwards while supporting your lower back with both hands and keeping your hips and knees straight. Repeat 5 times.


Modified Sit Up

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest. Slowly curl your chin to your chest and then raise your head, neck and then your shoulders as far off the floor as possible. Hold for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Relax and repeat 5 times.

Knee Bend

Standing, holding on to a counter for support, squeeze your buttocks and tighten your abdomen. Squat down while maintaining your back straight. Slowly stand up by using your legs and maintain a straight back at all times. Repeat 5 times.

Connect With Us

South Hills Location

2000 Oxford Drive

Suite 211, 2nd Floor

Pittsburgh, PA 15102

Phone: 412-283-0260

Toll free: 1-888-817-2019

Fax: 412-283-0070


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